68th Ave Mitigation Plan

Clearing for construction of a new house near the shores of Lake Washington had unintentionally overstepped the property boundary and removed trees and vegetation within the city’s right of way. A revegetation plan that satisfied Seattle’s Department of Transportation requirements needed to be created. In addition, the north section of the parcel was made up of a Steep Slope Critical Area, which required a mitigation plan prior to construction approval by the city. Salix Sea Studio coordinated with the architect and geotechnical engineer to quickly prepare the necessary plans to move the project through permitting and on to construction. This planting plan utilized an all-native palette made up of a variety of species which thrive in south facing, dry slope conditions, while also providing seasonal interest and foraging opportunities.

Project Type:
Steep Slope Mitigation Plan

Deliverable: Permit Drawing, Mitigation Plan


OLM Business & Home Landscape Renovation


Weller St Residence Meadow